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git branches

We are going to enforce the Git Best Practice branch's protection rules and recommendaions for GitHub Organization repositories.

Also we will automate a proces of adding and updating teams and branch protection rules to GitHub Organization repository.

There is the same way to apply branch protection and recommendaions to private (non-organization GitHub repositories but you need to modify the automation scipts). Also some options are not available for non-organization GitHub repositories.






  1. You ahve to have admin accses for GitHub repository and can accesss to repo settings

    github settings 
  2. Go to Settings > Branches and create a new rule for main/master branch
    • - Require a pull request before merging - true
    • - Require approvals - true (2 approvals)
    • - Dismiss stale pull request approvals when new commits are pushed - true
    • - Do not allow bypassing the above settings - true
    • - Save changes
  3. Create a new rule for develop branch
    • - Require a pull request before merging - true
    • - Require approvals - true (1 approvals)
    • - Dismiss stale pull request approvals when new commits are pushed - true
    • - Do not allow bypassing the above settings - true
    • - Save changes
  4. Create new rules for feature/*, hotfix/*, relese/*, bugfix/* branches with protections below
    • - Allow force pushes - true (Everyone)
    • - Allow deletions - true
    • - vSave changes
  5. Create a new wildcard rules for * (star) branch with protections below
    • - Do not allow bypassing the above settings - true
    • - Restrict who can push to matching branches - true
    • - Restrict pushes that create matching branches - true
    • - Save changes

wildcard branch protection rules

After that the user from developer team with push request can only:

  • - create and push commits to any branches with names begin with prefix feature/..., hotfix/..., relese/..., bugfix/...
  • - craete a pull request to any other branches, like main/master, develop, etc.



For automation please use scripts from GitHub private reposcripts from GitHub private repo to craete the branch protection rules to GitHub Organization repository(s).

That's it. Happy DevOpsing!

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